

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today is Wacky Wednesday!

Wacky Wednesday at ISPP

When I got to school,
It was so cool,
ABC was not in order,
Shoes were around the border,

The tables had human legs,
Everyone was eating eggs,
The stairs switched sides,
Teachers were following guides,

Books could talk,
Folders could walk,
Miss Carolyn was upside down,
King was wearing a crown,

I looked at the sky,
Miss Mom could fly,
Reach was a pop star,
Who lived in a chocolate bar,

Nikor had super powers,
And made everyone take showers,
Babies were crawling up the walls,
I needed to make some calls!

By: King, Nikor and Reach

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

G4/5 Autobiographies

Over the last few weeks, G4/5 students have been reading and writing biographies and autobiographies. During EAL, we looked at the structure of these texts and then worked in groups to create rubrics for How to write a good autobiography. 

We thought carefully about what to put in each section of our rubric.

After creating time-lines for our own lives, we used these to write our autobiographies. We then evaluated our own writing using our rubrics, before swapping with a partner to see if their evaluations matched ours. The results were very interesting and we had some great discussions about the structure, accuracy and content of our writing.

We didn't always agree with each other's assessments!

G2/3 Punctuation Kung-Fu!

G2/3 students have been learning about punctuation and practicing adding punctuation to familiar texts. This week, we used an extract from a book called The Clay Dog, which we have all read and enjoyed during EAL lessons. 

We added punctuation to extracts which had had the punctuation removed - using Kung-Fu moves! We took it in turns to read the text, pausing to allow our partners to perform the moves when necessary. It was great fun - and when it was time to add the punctuation in writing, we did REALLY well. 

Speech marks!

Full stops!